Preferred Share Funding

All Commercial Finance

Preferred Share Funding

Should your project fit either of the following type it may be eligible for up to 100% LTC funding assuming it does not exceed 75% of stabilized value? And, is applicable to the following industries:

  • Charter Airline Start Up
  • Agriculture
  • Water Treatment Facility
  • Medical Treatment Facility
  • Renewable energy related Technology
  • Reclamation – Recycle
  • Industrial
  • Manufacturing
  • Existing and start-up tech on new products or projects business and / or services, R&D; and product improvement capital, construction and retrofits.
  • Construction and development of businesses, Public Infrastructures, technologically improved transportation
  • Wind, Solar, Water and tested new sources of Energy
  • Hospitals, Nursing Homes and Assisted Living, Dementia care and other NPOs
  • Funding Range: $5 – $750 million USD
  • Term: 3 – 10 years non- Partnership funds
  • Fixed Rate of Return: 8.5%
  • Payments: Paid monthly, annually or exit
  • Underwriting: Average 3 months
  • Capitalization: Up to 100% of Business plan requirement
  • Cost: Certain underwriting cost (1%) apply including Document prep and Inducement plus fee at closing [3%]
  • GEOGRAPHIC: Primarily North, Central and South America. Major Metro-plex and Industrial centers of Non-America Countries may also qualify

The object of the Preferred Shares (Debenture) program is not to provide long term low interest rate financing.

Banks already do that. But you must have the time in business, supporting of debt service history (generally require a minimum of 2 years), excellent business and personal credit references, reasonably high balance sheet liquidity, an inspiring Performa and a project they like. Which requirement would closely mirror our requirement also to refinance the startup financing?

Such as transportation (air, land and sea), agriculture, consumer and commercial technologies, pharmaceuticals, medical, infrastructures, aided care and housing for the elderly, manufacturing etc.

The program provides leveraged capital (including working capital, interim reserves, complementary FF&E) to build a business from the ground up to breakeven and stabilization making it possible to build the business model banks is looking to finance.

This is not a bank loan or equity partnership at all. A capital markets funded vehicle is an investment in the Preferred shares in the corporate entity holding ownership of the project (usually an off shore SPV for foreign customers) owned by the applicant’s onshore corporation.

This enables the availability of 100% of the common shares to be retained by existing principal(s).

The simple version is, a new corporation may be created by underwriting, or, principal, which preferred shares of stock is created and Debentures (Certificates) are purchased by investors of security Dealers or Investment Bankers.

Principal must redeem the Certificates at end of term or convert to Common. Payments are monthly Interest only with a principal balloon at term maturity.

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